GAMDIAS ZEUS Laser Gaming Mouse Review

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By the time this review gets uploaded online our copy of Destiny one of the most highly anticipated games of 2014 made/released by Bungie/Activision will be here so naturally we plan on focusing quite a bit in testing several new gaming peripherals with it (aside the usual testing we do with our favorite Planetside 2 online MMOFPS by SONY). We’ve also been using the beta of The Crew by Ubisoft (racing) and the alpha of Star Citizen (space simulator) by Cloud Imperium (Chris Roberts) but a complete game like Destiny which combines several elements from both the Mass Effect series and Warframe should help us push many of these peripherals to their limits. The first of these gaming peripherals we will be looking at is also perhaps the most unique looking one and as the title of this review clearly states today with us we have the ZEUS Laser Gaming Mouse by GAMDIAS
