GeForce 335.23 Performance Analysis

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As part of a regular feature for AlienBabelTech, this evaluation is comparing the performance of 24 benchmarks with the GeForce WHQL 335.23 driver release versus the last GeForce WHQL 334.89 drivers released less than a month previously. We are going to give you the performance results of the extremes of Nvidia’s lineup – the GTX 780 Ti and the GTX 650 Ti results at 1920×1080 and at 2560×1600. This driver performance evaluation will give a natural comparison between the performance improvements since Nvidia’s last WHQL driver set.

MetroLL 2014-03-03 20-47-50-23We are going to test GeForce 335.23 using our current benchmark suite of 21 games plus 3 synthetic benchmarks. Our testing platform is Windows 7 64-bit, using an Intel Core i7-4770K at 4.00GHz, ECS’ flagship Golden Z87 motherboard, and 16GB of Kingston “Beast” HyperX RAM at 2133MHz. The settings and hardware are identical except for the drivers being tested.
