Guru3D Ryzen Threadripper Articles

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Ryzen Threadripper Articles – 1950X – 1920X – ASUS X399 Zenith

Hello, we have three new articles ready today. All related to that mega-core Ryzen Threadripper processors that AMD is releasing today.

  1. AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X review
  2. AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1920X review
  3. ASUS ROG Zenith X399 Extreme review

AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X review

In this article we review the sixteen core and 32 threaded Ryzen Threadripper 1950X. It is the flagship processor and product that will get a 3.4 GHz base frequency with the ability to precision boost to 4.0 GHz. These processors are SMT, thus ‘hyper-threaded’ to 32 threads. We’ll check out performance and other metrics.

 Read the full review here.

AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1920X review

AMD also releases their Ryzen Threadripper 1920X, which we review and test. This this is the 12-core part, the base clock is a notch higher at 3.5 GHz and the precision boost is also 4.0 GHz. With 24 threads this CPU will kick the proverbial toosh.

Read the full review here.

ASUS ROG Zenith X399 Extreme review

A new thread ripping processor will need to be paired with a proper motherboard, join us in this review of the X399 chipset based ASUS ROG Zenith Extreme. A motherboard loaded with features and high-end kit including a 10 Gbit Ethernet adapter, the most exquisite WIFI options as well as offering a platform that Threadripper processors really deserve.

Read the full article here.