MSI, Sapphire and ASUS Radeon RX 570 and 580 reviews

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MSI – Sapphire and ASUS Radeon RX 570 and 580 reviews

Guru3D have three reviews ready, locked and loaded for you to check out:

You can check out the reviews by clicking on any of the links.


Review: ASUS ROG Radeon RX 580 STRIX 8GB

Joins us as we review the ASUS Radeon RX 580 STRIX with 8GB graphics memory. This three fan cooled mainstream graphics card series will allow you to play your games in both the Full HD 1080P range as well as gaming in WQHD (2560×1440) range. As always ASUS ROG has a few tricks up their sleeves.

You can read the full review here


Review: MSI Radeon RX 580 Gaming X 8GB

In this article we review the MSI Radeon RX 580 GAMING X armed with 8GB. This TwinFrozr VI cooled mainstream graphics card series will allow you to play your games in both the Full HD 1080P range as well as gaming in that popular Wide Quad HD (2560×1440) range at a 269 USD price bracket.

You can read the full review here


Review: Sapphire Radeon RX 570 Nitro+ 4GB

This review covers the Sapphire Radeon RX 570 Nitro+ graphics card. This Nitro+ edition has a massive cooling block slapped on top of it. And while the GPU is similar to that of the Radeon RX 470, a higher boost frequency will bring this card towards RX 480 performance levels.

You can read the full review here